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👉 Tools in video: 📸 Follow me on Instagram: 🐦 Follow me on Twitter: A penis extender, also known as a penis traction device, is a non-invasive device designed to assist in penis enlargement. It is typically composed of adjustable rods and a traction mechanism. The extender is worn over the penis for several hours a day, gradually applying gentle tension to the tissues. This constant stretching is believed to promote cell growth and increase the length and girth of the penis over time. Penis extenders are often used by individuals seeking to address concerns related to their self-confidence or overall sexual satisfaction. On the other hand, a penis pump is a mechanical device that creates a vacuum around the penis, leading to increased blood flow and engorgement. The pump typically consists of a cylinder placed over the penis and a hand-operated or electric pump that removes air from the cylinder. As air is removed, blood rushes into the penis, causing it to become erect. Penis pumps are primarily used to assist in achieving and maintaining an erection, especially for those who experience erectile dysfunction or have difficulty with blood flow to the penis. Some individuals also use penis pumps for temporary penis enlargement, as the increased blood flow can result in a larger and firmer erection, although the effects are temporary and not permanent. It is important to note that both penis extenders and penis pumps should be used cautiously and according to manufacturer instructions to minimize the risk of injury or adverse effects. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using such devices to ensure they are appropriate for individual circumstances.
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It s an unpleasant disease that reduces mobility and can cause a lot of pain. Like any machine, the body requires routine maintenance to make it last a long time and to function well throughout a person s life expectancy. The Kegel exercises are done in semi erect penis state, means 60 70 erection.